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reflections of a circuit breaker mum

By Lew Mi Yih

Circuit breaker was quite challenging in the beginning trying to juggle with work, kids’ Home Based Learning (HBL), planning and preparing meals and keeping my 3-year-old out of everyone’s way. It doesn’t help that it was a busy work period for me and my husband.  On top of that, my P2 boy was struggling with his school-work. I lost my cool a few times with pressure from all sides. I often had to use supermarket runs as a source of regaining my sanity. Grateful to my husband for helping our kids with HBL as I “Zoomed” through multiple meetings. Thankfully, we managed to work out a routine and negotiated with the teachers and my mother-in-law in managing some expectations.

seeing the good

In the midst of those hot days, both literally and figuratively, I have learnt to choose to see the good, not focus on the failures and to see God in everything.

Personally, I love taking pictures. And with mobile phones, it makes it easier to capture precious and candid moments of the family. I would usually keep the good shots and trash the bad and ugly. Likewise with our family relationships, it is easy to focus on the mistakes of our husband and children and harp on them, but I choose to be quick to forgive; see the good in them and tell them what I appreciate about them.

Every year I would put together a photobook to chronicle our family adventures and memorial days for the year. It happened that the 2019 photobook was sent to us during the onset of Circuit Breaker period. My kids really enjoy flipping through the book many times, reminiscing the good and funny moments we have had. This helps to defuse tension and relive those happy moments as a family. Even my 3-year-old would recall and talk  about the different outings and things we did together. It deepens their love and identity with the family. It also serves as a reminder for me not to be too busy and miss the moments. Children grow up so quickly and as a mother I want to savour these little moments with them.

The bible records of memorial stones in the Old Testament to help the people  remember what God has done. These stones are important especially when times are tough and we wonder if God will see us through. Looking at these photobooks often remind us of God's goodness and faithfulness to our family.

Life is not about attaining perfection, but it is a lot about choosing our perspective. It is how you frame the photo and decide what you want and how to focus on the subject.

A new perspective

Life is not about attaining perfection, but it is a lot about choosing our perspective. A professional photographer once said it is not the camera that makes a good photo, but the person behind the lens. It is how you frame the photo and decide what you want and how to focus on the subject. I choose to see from God's perspective and not judge a person based on their outward behaviour. At times when I struggle with managing my child's misbehaviour, I would pray. Oftentimes, God would remind me of the name and nature of my child whom He has created. This helps me to be patient and rely on God to nurture my child.

On the topic of perspective, let me share a tip on how to look slimmer on your zoom/video conference meetings. The key is to position your camera just above your eye level  :) It is all about perspective!

In conclusion, I am enjoying the extra time we have gained as a family being confined at home. It is a good opportunity to slow down, deepen relationships (with God & family) and make good memories!

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